Sunday, 23 December 2012



A         :           All possibilities, absolute, authority, affluence, abundance.

B         :           Better and best.
C          :          Care freeness and chart.
D         :           Demand and supply, Dharma.
E         :           Exulting in the success of others, expecting the best.
F         :           Failure contains the seed of success.
G         :           Gratitude, generosity, god, gap, goal.
H         :           Happiness and humanity.
I          :           Intent or Intention.
J          :           Judgment is unnecessary.
K         :           Knowledge contains organizing power.
L         :           Love and luxury.
M        :           Making money for others, motivating others.
N         :           Nothing is permanent, even change. Saying no to negativity.
O         :          Opportunity, open & honest communication is the coexistence of life.
P          :           Purpose in life, pure potentiality.
Q         :           Quest for truth.
R         :           Receiving is as necessary as giving.
S          :           Spending and service.
T          :           Transcendence, timeless awareness,
U         :           Understanding the unity behind all diversity.
V         :           Values, vitality, vivacity, verve & vim.
W        :           Wealth consciousness without worries.
X         :           Expressing honest appreciation and thanks to all who help us.
Y         :           Youthful   vigor.
Z         :           Zest for life.




A       :         Always think of God.
B       :         Be sincere in work.
C       :         Cultivate countermands.
D       :         Do good be good.
E       :         Emulate children in truth.
F       :         Free from all vices.
G       :         Gain wisdom from elders.
H       :         Hope for all best.
I        :         Invite conscience to speak.
J        :         Jealousy kills gives and loves.
K       :         Kill fear and weakness.
L       :         Learn dignity of labours.
M      :         Minter your mind.
N       :         Never become spend thirst.
O       :         Observe moderation in everything.
P       :         Plan your mind.
Q       :         Quite bad company.
R       :         Read and re-read masters.
S       :         Speak less work more.
T       :         Treasure good friendship.
U       :         Uphold always justice.
V       :         Vanity bids to fall.
W      :         Wear a smile always.
X       :         Xenia brings in cord quality.
Y       :         Yearn always far peace.
Z       :         Zenith is selfless service.




  1. A Happy New Year to you.

  1. A Happy Easter.

  1. A Merry Christmas to you.

  1. Best Wishes on your Wedding Anniversary.

  1. Best Wishes for a Safe and Pleasant Journey.

  1. Best Wishes for Your Success in the Election.

  1. Best Wishes for a Long and Happy Married Life.

  1. Best Wishes for Your Success in the Examination.

  1. Congratulations.

  1. Congratulations on your Victory.

  1. Congratulations on the New Arrival.

  1. Congratulations for your Joining in Service.

  1. Convey our blessings to the newly Married Couple.

  1. Congratulations of the Distinction Conferred on you.

  1. Deepest condolences...   

  1. Everlasting blessings...

  1. Foremost affection...

  1. Greetings of the occasion of Paryushan a day of Universal forgiveness.

  1. Heartiest Rath Yatra Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Magh Purnima.

  1. Heartiest Onam Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Ugadi Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Diwali Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Bijoya Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Pongal Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Guruparb Greetings.

  1. Heartiest Greetings on Navroz.

  1. Heartiest Greetings on Buddha Jayanti.

  1. Heartiest Guru Ravidas Purnima Greeting.

  1. Heartiest Congratulations on Grah Pravesh.

  1. Hearty Congratulations on Success in Election.

  1. Hearty Congratulations on your Success in the Examination.

  1. Id Mubarak.

  1. Joy-for ever...

  1. Kind Remembrances and all Good Wishes for the Independence Day.

  1. Loving Greetings.

  1. Long live the Republic.

  1. My Deepest condolences.

  1. Many Happy Returns of the Day.

  1. My Heartiest Holi Greetings to you.

  1. Many Thanks for you kind Message of Greetings.

  1. Many Heaven's Choicest Blessings be showered on the Young Couple.

  1. Many Thanks for your Good Wishes which I/We Reciprocate Most Heartily.

  1. Never ending love...

  1. Obligatory salute...

  1. Pardonable punishment...

  1. Quest fully wishes...

  1. Regrettable panama...

  1. Sincere Greetings for the Republic Day.

  1. Tearful regards...   

  1. Unworthy...

  1. Vulnerable...

  1. Wish you a Happy Holi.

  1. Wish you a Happy Bihu.

  1. Wish you a Happy Dushera.

  1. Wish you a Happy Christmas.

  1. Wish you a Speedy Recovery.

  1. Wish you a Happy Birth Day.

  1. Wish you a Happy Retired Life.

  1. Wish you a Happy Sarswati Puja.

  1. Wish you a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

  1. Wishing the Function Every Success.

  1. Wish you both a Happy and Prosperous Wedded Life.

  1. X-mass Greetings for you.