Wednesday, 2 April 2014

ANTONYMS - Examples

A word having a meaning opposite to that of another word is known as Antonym.

Practice Set for ANTONYMS

In the following questions each of the bold words given below is followed by four options. Choose the correct ANTONYM (opposite) of the bold words from the options.

1.     Abundant
(1) Minimum                              (2) Scarce
(3) Short                                   (4) Sufficient
2.     Decline
(1) Accept                                 (2) Deny
(3) Climb                                   (4) Obey
3.     Detest
(1) Abhor                                  (2) Attack
(3) Envy                                    (4) Love
4.     Against
(1) Oppose                               (2) For
(3) Disagree                              (4) Agree
5.     Ugly    
(1) Outstanding                         (2) Attractive
(3) Striking                                (4) Alive
6.     Best
(1) Worst                                   (2) Dirty
(3) Unintelligent                         (4) Infallible
7.     Bent
(1) Innocent                               (2) Timid
(3) Broken                                 (4) Straight
8.     Free
(1) Liberated                              (2) Careless
(3) Captive                                (4) Introvert
9.     Opaque
(1) Mirror                                   (2) Clear
(3) Solid                                    (4) Neat and clean
10.  Feeble
(1) Weak                                   (2) Tender
(3) Powerful                               (4) Fit
11.  Tenant
(1) Shopkeeper                          (2) Broker
(3) Landlord                               (4) Kind
12.  Leader
(1) Student                                (2) Enthusiast
(3) Disciple                                (4) Follower
13.  Nadir
(1) Upper                                  (2) Bottom
(3) Zenith                                  (4) Depth
14.  Shallow
(1) Less                                    (2) Scanty
(3) Superficial                            (4) Deep
15.  Vacant
(1) Full                                      (2) Plentiful
(3) Occupied                             (4) Engaged
16.  Wax
(1) Perplex                                (2) Wane
(3) Minimize                               (4) Shine
17.  Clumsy
(1) Shabby                                (2) Clean
(3) Fair                                      (4) Graceful
18.  Gloomy
(1) Cheerful                               (2) Hopeful
(3) Grateful                                (4) Beautiful
19.  Fasten
(1) Hurry                                    (2) Attach
(3) Untie                                    (4) Open
20.  Messy
(1) Chaotic                                (2) Neat
(3) Sensible                               (4) Handsome
21.  Fake
(1) Counterfeit                           (2) Valid
(3) Real                                    (4) Vicious
22.  Vice
(1) Virtue                                   (2) Dreadful
(3) Valuable                               (4) Faithful
23.  Vanish
(1) Disappear                            (2) Appear
(3) Become extinct                    (4) Look
24.  Destroy
(1) Annihilate                             (2) Accumulate
(3) Collect                                 (4) Build
25.  Camouflage
(1) Conceal                               (2) Hide
(3) Reveal                                 (4) Obscure
26.  Cowardice
(1) Daring                                  (2) Courage
(3) Brave                                   (4) Fearless
27.  Moist
(1) Happy                                  (2) Generous
(3) Disappointed                       (4) Dry
28.  Hinder
(1) Helper                                  (2) Assistance
(3) Help                                     (4) Support
29.  Intentional
(1) Admirable                            (2) Fractional
(3) Potential                              (4) Accidental
30.  Immense
(1) Less                                    (2) Insignificant
(3) Tiny                                     (4) Trivial


1.     Abundant         -           (2) Scarce
2.     Decline             -           (1) Accept
3.     Detest               -           (4) Love
4.     Against            -           (2) For
5.     Ugly                 -           (2) Attractive
6.     Best                 -           (1) Worst
7.     Bent                 -           (4) Straight
8.     Free                 -           (3) Captive
9.     Opaque            -           (2) Clear
10.  Feeble              -           (3) Powerful
11.  Tenant              -           (3) Landlord
12.  Leader              -           (4) Follower
13.  Nadir                -           (3) Zenith
14.  Shallow            -           (4) Deep
15.  Vacant              -           (3) Occupied
16.  Wax                  -           (2) Wane
17.  Clumsy            -           (4) Graceful
18.  Gloomy            -           (1) Cheerful
19.  Fasten              -           (3) Untie
20.  Messy              -           (2) Neat
21.  Fake                 -           (3) Real
22.  Vice                 -           (1) Virtue
23.  Vanish             -           (2) Appear
24.  Destroy            -           (4) Build
25.  Camouflage      -           (3) Reveal
26.  Cowardice        -           (2) Courage
27.  Moist                -           (4) Dry
28.  Hinder              -           (3) Help
29.  Intentional        -           (4) Accidental
30.  Immense          -           (3) Tiny

Choose the antonyms of the following bold lettered words.

1.      Accent
(1)   Weight            (2) Significatice           (3) Stress         (4) Unimportance
2.      Dispersal
(1)   Collection        (2) Scattering              (3) Spreading (4) Diffusion
3.      Waste
(1)   Havoc              (2) Ravage                   (3) Devastation (4) None of these
4.      Ignorance
(1)   Cognizance     (2) Education              (3) Intelligence (4) All of these
5.      Hastily
(1)   Recklessly       (2) Precipitately           (3) Slowly       (4) Rapidly
6.      Faith
(1)   Reliance          (2) Unbelief                 (3) Surety        (4) Fealty
7.      Lengthen
(1)   Curtail             (2) Abbreviate             (3) Shorten      (4) All of these
8.      Perfection
(1)   Ripeness          (2) Crown                    (3) Flaw           (4) Merit
9.      Proposal
(1)   Refusal            (2) Scheme                  (3) Angle         (4) Recommendation
10.  Cunning
(1)   Blunt               (2) Slow                      (3) Naive         (4) All of these

1. Answer (4)        
2. Answer (1)  
3. Answer (4)  
4. Answer (4)  
5. Answer (3) 
6. Answer (2)        
7. Answer (4) 
8. Answer (3)  
9. Answer (4)  
10. Answer (4)

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